Robin Enright Salcido
“Our Stories Today” is a project I began to TALK about what life looks like after 50, a phase which is rich with beginnings and endings. I want to recognize and celebrate what we wise women are learning and experiencing rather than pretend nothing is changing.
The world is rapidly changing. I believe our lived experiences, and our voices, deserve to be heard. I’m glad you’re here.

In 2010 I began what I thought at the time was my greatest life adventure, a move from Massachusetts to Boulder, Colorado at the age of 51. I loaded up my Subaru, bought my cock-a-poo a booster seat so he could see out the window and pointed my car west to begin my new life.
While this was indeed a great life adventure, I’ve realized that the greatest adventure of my life was something I missed beginning altogether, my journey into older age and the many new doors that opened and new chapters that began. And while my drive to Colorado was meticulously mapped out, this adventure has not been.
I’m a storyteller who uses the written word and photography to make sense of life, so I thought it would be fascinating to explore who we are in this life phase. Why are many women (including me) so hard on ourselves, even approaching getting older from a place of shame?
I like to consider myself a ‘wannabe sociologist!’
I’m curious. Who are you? What are you working on? Who and what inspires you? What royally pisses you off? What new chapters have you begun?
I’m going to be real with you. No bullshit. It’s kind of scary to be honest, but since I’ve always made sense of the universe through writing and allowing myself to be vulnerable, I’m willing to risk it.
I don’t think I could survive without damn good coffee, I still like to put on nice clothes before heading to the studio, I’m introverted but great 1:1 and love the relationships I have formed with so many women! When I don’t understand something, I research the topic, I’m not afraid to talk about death, and I tend to fall asleep right around 9. Nature, cycling, swimming and hiking are all my go-to’s to get back in touch with myself.
Telling Stories
I’ve been a writer since I was a little girl writing with a purple pen on purple paper, but haven’t always taken myself seriously as a writer.
Though I’ve worked as a travel editor and merchandising editor and was awarded an artist in residence at Rocky Mountain National Park, it seems I’ve been waiting for someone to give me permission to write in my own voice and style.
I love to share personal stories that have the potential to connect us and when possible, provide a different perspective. The most wonderful thing for me to hear is that I’ve helped someone along the way.
So, I’ve decided to give myself permission. And I promise my words will be real. Maybe not perfect, but true.
Taking Pictures
I’ve been taking pictures for years, but until the fall of 2018, didn’t know how to use any mode but automatic. After my class at Santa Fe Photography Workshop, the world exploded for me visually. The challenge of capturing what I see so I can share that story with others is addicting. Most of the images on this site are my own unless otherwise noted.
Visit RES Photography to view my photography portfolio and explore my current projects.
Photo by Marsha Steckling