The Blog
This is where we come together and talk about who we are. This is where our voices get loud and we become inspired and gain power from the stories we share. This is where we find community.
You will find stories about adventures, relationships, political and social activism, loss, relocating, health, and celebrations. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the form below and join our community to be sure you don’t miss a thing.
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Our Stories Today
Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and explore the stories below. Learn how to begin again. Find community. Share with your friends. You are not alone.
Time Alone
Alone, I discovered me. I learned to treasure solitude. I've never understood others who do not. My husband flew to California in July to see his Dad and sister. I had intended to go with him, but I changed my mind. A few days before he was to leave, I decided to stay...
Cooking. For Me
I've discovered that cooking is good self-care. It doesn't have to be about others, or the way into a man's heart or a chore. I have never enjoyed cooking. I've never been the chick who gets all excited when asked to bring something to the potluck. Instead I try to...
I’ve Lost Myself
The old and shrunk woman ahead of me is no one with whom I am familiar. I find her depressing. She does not look up at me nor smile in recognition. I look around, wondering what has happened to me, the person I have known for almost a hundred years. She was someone...
Life Behind A Face Mask
The expressions we share with one another are a delicate human dance, a form of communication that is essential for social interaction. I hate wearing a face mask, and I try to avoid places where one is required. There is no doubt in my mind that wearing a face mask...
My Crystal Ball is Big On Hope
I fought back tears and was grateful for a mask to hide behind. The moment she spoke about hope, I understood that depression was sinking her fingers into me. Not solely due to the virus, but due to a faltering sense of hope. Today I treated myself to a lovely...
Not Fading Away
These past few months I've felt almost as if I am fading away, kind of like a morning mist on a mountain lake. I feel almost ethereal as if I am floating through life. A life that seems to have been placed on pause. Like I'm caught in place between life and death,...
Letters from Renée: Loving Beyond Dementia
Helping a dying man, your husband, as he is slowly diminishing, slowly dying, shrinking, is also gratifying. In my case, this has enabled me to stretch my capacity for loving without expecting anything in return. These days I can’t seem to remember why I am still...
Hunger: Feeding Mind
Change happens and staying the same happens. We can use questions to look deeper into our life. Sensho Wagg and I connected a month or two ago after a mutual connection showed me some of Sensho's art which you will find below accompanied by some of her thoughts....