The Blog
This is where we come together and talk about who we are. This is where our voices get loud and we become inspired and gain power from the stories we share. This is where we find community.
You will find stories about adventures, relationships, political and social activism, loss, relocating, health, and celebrations. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the form below and join our community to be sure you don’t miss a thing.
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Our Stories Today
Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and explore the stories below. Learn how to begin again. Find community. Share with your friends. You are not alone.
Everyone Waits
Some of us wait for a bolt of creativity to compel us to paint or pound out words on the keyboard. But you might have to wait a long time for that inspiration, and then your fingers might be too arthritic to caress the correct keys on the piano or move the paintbrush...
Letters from Renée: Changes I’ve Seen
Time and privacy was what we had and what we do not have any more. No Facebook to tell the world about ourselves. No desire to tell the world. We told our stories to the people to whom we were close. It was suggested I comment on the changes I had seen in my life over...
Meet Julie Baldwin
Taking financial risks to follow my creative path has at times been terrifying. My “inner dragon” (that negative voice that tells me that I can’t live a creative life) rises up to try to block me, quite often. Age: 57 Three words that describe you today? Creative,...
Sixty Is Not The New Forty: Rejecting cultural narratives
I do not mean to be glib or suggest that we pretend it’s all unicorns and rainbows. Let’s face it, there is a lot of poop involved in aging too. I began this blog and community on a bit of a whim back in April, launching in June to celebrate my 60th birthday....
Give Yourself Permission: Stay Open to Possibilities
"It’s amazing how easy things can be when we give ourselves permission to do them. My energy was high, and I felt open to possibilities that morning. It was a creative moment: inspiration struck, and we all went with it." Each week, I meet with a lovely group of women...
A Life in the Balance: One Woman’s Struggle with Opiate Addiction
"And this is how I overdosed, on some poor-quality pill I found online with a fentanyl hotspot. I was getting ready to go to the gym, and the next thing I knew I was on the floor surrounded by four firefighters and my very worried husband." To most people in my...
The Link Between Gratitude and our Bodies
"Feeling gratitude, whether for others or ourselves, is not just something we should do because it is the right thing to do around the holidays. There are proven scientific benefits to feeling gratitude." Why is gratitude for our bodies important in your opinion? Our...
Lessons from Grandma
My mother was 16 when she discovered she was pregnant with me and I was born two months after she turned 17. One of the gifts of my mother’s early indoctrination into motherhood was that I spent time with my grandmothers while they were still fairly young. My father’s...