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Our Stories Today
Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and explore the stories below. Learn how to begin again. Find community. Share with your friends. You are not alone.
Protecting Our Children From Guns: Create More Barriers
In the retail merchandising world, removing barriers to a potential sale is a basic principle. Creating an environment where shoppers didn’t encounter a hindrance to their shopping experience was critical. That meant keeping items priced, organized by size, neat...
Birthdays: Thoughts on Turning 63
Birthdays can be tough. When I turned 50, I had a hard time. If I recall correctly, it was because I was worried about the future and what my life would look like now that I was single. I would move to Boulder the following year and the unknowns felt enormous. To top...
Grief Support For Friends: Your Words
He wanted them to squirm a little, to realize that this wasn’t just going to be a casual conversation, a "good, man, how are you" type call. He wanted to talk, open up and tell them how it felt, but not everyone was ready to listen. A happy life holds hands with...
Airline Travel Today: Tips to create calm
Airline travel today is not what it was before the pandemic. Of all the suggested actions below, I recommend getting your head wrapped around today's new normal in airline travel before you ever leave home! I travel often and have also flown throughout the pandemic....
Menopause and Education: Why Do Women Feel Hung Out to Dry?
I never expected to feel hung out to dry in menopause. I know things are changing, but the study of the female body, specifically as it relates to menopause education has lots of catch up to do. And frankly, I believe women need to be educated about menopause in their...
Surprising Blessings After 50: Your Words
"Your Words" is a series of articles based on answers posed to questions I ask in the the Our Stories Today newsletter. Want a chance to share your voice and be featured here with other wise women? You deserve to be heard. Sign up for the newsletter here. Today I read...
Tell Them Now
We leave behind a legacy every day, through the encounters we have with others. This past week my husband and I traveled to California to celebrate the life of his uncle, Gabriel Unda. There was some conversation afterwards surrounding the beautiful way he had...
Aging Gracefully: Your Words
After I make coffee each morning, I snuggle on my couch wrapped in a blanket and scroll through social media. Headline after headline offers help on how to defy aging, how to exude a youthful appearance, how to properly live these later chapters or 'defy aging.' I'm...