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Our Stories Today
Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and explore the stories below. Learn how to begin again. Find community. Share with your friends. You are not alone.
Letters from Renée: You Are Born in Loss
I asked Renée to write about loss for the month of November. I wanted to hear her take and get a sense of how she views loss. But after Renée submitted her essay, we went back and forth via email. I was concerned that the essay read like the life of a woman who had...
Wash Me Clean
"I was once the child and she, my caretaker. I recall a time when I felt safe, content, and nurtured—because of my grandmother." She refuses to bathe anymore. Gram stinks of aged urine and dirty clothes, her greasy hair stuck to the side of her head. At first I buy...
The Ghost of Christmas Future: What Loss Feels Like
You don’t get to 51 without knowing what loss feels like. How it envelops you, sucks the marrow from your bones, leaving you feeling brittle and at times, broken. My mother died almost 14 years ago. My father died six years ago. Long before my mother died, she...
Kika talks about Loss
The stress of this time period led me to bad decision-making as far as taking care of myself, so that the aftermath led to drinking too much and feeling and behaving frazzled all the time. Age: 54 Three words that describe you today? Introverted. Creative. Passionate....
Grieving the loss of a pet
Many months ago I fessed up, telling my husband that I still cried over Tigger. I told him I still missed him and didn't talk about it much because while some people are crazy sensitive, many more just prefer not to talk about death and like to hold grief at arms...
What Taking Selfies Taught Me
Voice: : the faculty of utterance lost my voice 2: a sound resembling or suggesting vocal utterance 3: an instrument or medium of expression the party became the voice of the workers 4a: wish, choice, or opinion openly or formally expressed the voice of the people...
Letters from Renée: “The Crossings”
I wrote a book some years ago which I called “One-Way Tickets.” It is my own story, a one-way journey from birth telling the reader that I never returned to where I had been before. It is not only my story, but the story of my family. We are all refugees, victims of...
Conversations: Kellye Markin
I've had the honor of knowing Kellye for a number of years and can honestly say that she was one of the 'pushes' I felt to let out my own inner artist. Watching her come out of the background was crazy inspirational to me. Age: 56 Three words that describe you today? ...