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This is where we come together and talk about who we are. This is where our voices get loud and we become inspired and gain power from the stories we share. This is where we find community.
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Our Stories Today
Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and explore the stories below. Learn how to begin again. Find community. Share with your friends. You are not alone.
Learning to dance
My paternal grandmother, who is pictured above loved parties and dancing. She loved being active and told me more than once after I excused myself to go to bed, "you can sleep when you're dead." According to my dad, she met Grandpa in a speakeasy where they (I like to...
Kindness IS everything: A New Year’s Wish
The new year is a time of reflection for me. I look back over the past year, think about the life I am currently living and consider what I want to improve. I don't make resolutions, but I do spend time thinking about the meaning I want to give my existence and what I...
Calling All Readers: Books I Read in 2023
Calling all readers! Sharing the books I've read this year is a favorite of mine. Thinking that I might be responsible for introducing other readers to new texts delights me. Here you will find what I read in 2023--some are newer releases, others are older. The...
A Poem: Learning to Fly
A friend longs to begin again in a new place with a new life. We plan to meet for coffee she wants to hear about my experience my fresh start at the age of 51. What can I tell her about the short shelf life or exhilaration of fresh starts and new beginnings beyond the...
Trees That Sing
What if the pine trees standing tall on your favorite trail tops gently swaying from the breeze they are protecting you from were also there to bear witness to the tears you quietly let slide into the soil? If they heard your cries on those difficult days and...
Learning to Pay Attention To My Body: Self Care
The Medical Incident: In early December I flew back east to spend time with my older daughter, Hannah who was 32 weeks pregnant with twins. She has had a tough pregnancy. I spent the week caring for my daughter as well as lending a hand with my granddaughter, Ellie. I...
Speaking Up In A Society Lacking in Civility
Entitled People: Think rules don't apply to them. Because this individual believes they are more important than everyone else, they will disregard any rules that hinder them getting what they want. They won't follow directions on how to complete jobs, will disregard...
Walls: A Poem
I've been experimenting with a different style of creative expression and story-telling. From time to time, I'll share that work here. Walls I walked through the empty Hallways Everything so clean Rooms looking large Kissing the walls Resting my hands on the surface....