The Blog

This is where we come together and talk about who we are. This is where our voices get loud and we become inspired and gain power from the stories we share. This is where we find community.

You will find stories about adventures, relationships, political and social activism, loss, relocating, health, and celebrations. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the form below and join our community to be sure you don’t miss a thing.

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Our Stories Today

Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and explore the stories below. Learn how to begin again. Find community. Share with your friends. You are not alone.

I Fell For a Scam

I Fell For a Scam

While I knew this had to be a scam, I felt foolish when all the information about this scam was easy to find. In fact, this exact scam had been done many times. I had been duped. A few months ago, a man reached out to me via my photography website asking if I would be...

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My Peaceful Garden

My Peaceful Garden

Lavender is the universe’s anti-anxiety and the scent settles me almost immediately. I got up early this morning and after I made coffee, I put on a bra, t-shirt and jogging pants and went outside. My false indigo and bearded jupiter are overwhelming all the plants in...

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Tossing The Scale For Now

Tossing The Scale For Now

I’m tossing the scale. Okay, maybe not tossing, but removing it from view and daily use. Those numbers have had too much power over me for the past few years and I'm all about ridding myself of toxic weight. My clothing fits better than it has in some time, but...

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